Reiki Therapy

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that balances the individual on mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels.

During a Reiki Therapy session, the body & mind enter into a state of deep relaxation, which activates the body’s innate ability to heal.

Divine healing energy is channeed through gentle hand placements on and over different areas of the body.

As a result, Reiki Therapy sessions support realignment to a harmonious state of wellbeing.

Each session is tailored to fit the individual's unique needs and is intuitively led by Rose.

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How do your Reiki sessions go?

My in-person sessions are done in Midtown Sacramento.

Sessions extend up to 90 minutes, which includes:

  • 15 min. for intention setting and intro discussion
  • 45 min. of reiki healing
  • 15 min. of sound healing
  • 15 min. for closing discussion

During the healing, you’ll lay down, fully clothed, on a comfortable massage table. All you need to do is relax and simply be open to receiving.

Sessions may incorporate various tools & techniques including:

  • Guided meditation, breath work, visualization, and mantras
  • Crystal therapy
  • Aromatherapy
  • Oracle card reading
  • Somatic emotional release
  • Energy cord cutting
  • Soul retrieval

What would I feel or experience from a Reiki session?

Reiki sessions are a unique experience for each individual.

Common sensations include:

  • Tingling
  • Heat/coolness in the body
  • Heaviness/weightlessness
  • Drifting in and out of consciousness
  • Seeing colors/lights
  • Body twitches

During a session, it's normal to feel relaxed and sleepy.

After a session, many clients report feeling:

  • Peace
  • Clarity
  • Awareness
  • Lightness of being
  • Emotional balance
  • Physical relief

How many sessions would I need?

The effects of Reiki are cumulative. It can take multiple sessions to reach your ultimate goals.

Transformation through Reiki greatly depends on a client’s ability to surrender and willingness to commit to themselves and their healing.

I may make recommendations for session frequency, through my expertise. But, ultimately, I empower my clients to make a decision that feels right for them.

How does Distance Reiki work?

Energy is not bound by space or time, therefore Reiki can be sent and received from at a distance.

There's no difference in the effects, whether receiving Reiki in-person or remotely.

My remote sessions are done via phone call or Zoom conference.

Sessions extend up to 90 minutes, which includes:

  • 15 min. for intention setting and intro discussion
  • 60 min. of distance reiki healing
  • 15 min. for closing discussion

When receiving Reiki, you’ll sit or lay down in the comfort of your own home. All you need to do is relax and simply be open to receiving.

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  • Chris C. -

    "Every Reiki experience I’ve had with Rose has been phenomenal! With the treatment she provides, any ailments that I have always feel alleviated after each session. The level of clarity I’ve received has been amazing. Through her Reiki healing, my spirit, intentions, and practices have been aligned to where they need to be. After each session, I definitely feel the progress and see the results through my day to day. She does a great job translating visions, images, or feelings from each session to truly understand where you are currently to where you want to be in the future. I highly suggest Rose for a transcending experience.​​​​​​"

  • Jennifer M. -

    "I received Reiki from Rose and she has such a calming presence that makes me instantly feel safe. The energy she emanates is potent and I can palpably feel the energy shifting! Her ability to intuit guided visualizations and affirmations that blend perfectly with my intentions for each session is amazing! I have had 3 or 4 sessions now and each time just gets better and better! I feel so relaxed and centered afterwards!​​​"

  • Elias G. -

    "When I first heard about Reiki, I was curious. After dealing with depression, anxiety, and childhood trauma, I decided to give it a try. I made an appointment with Rose and that was one of the best decisions I made. After the end of a session, I feel refreshed, as if I went to sleep for 12 hours, and wake up feeling new.

    Every session I've had with Rose is like a stepping stone for me to get to where I want to be in life. I can go on and on but I'd rather you experience it for yourself.

    Rose is an amazing person. I will always be thankful for her and her work. I highly recommend her if your curious about Reiki. I don't have any negative thoughts like before. I'm not ruminating on past experiences like I used to. I would describe this work like an outer body experience. Thank you Rose!"

  • Shantel S. -

    “Since starting Reiki with Rose, I have noticed significant improvements in my overall well-being, including reduced stress and enhanced emotional clarity. I feel much more at peace with the intrusive thoughts, fears, insecurities, and past traumas that once weighed me down. It’s amazing to me how she has helped me in so many different realms of life—from work, relationships, and being a mom, to even understanding myself more.

    Her expertise and intuitive approach to Reiki are truly remarkable. Her connection to universal energy is all the way on point! What I love the most about Rose is that she trusts herself and listens to her inner guidance which allows her to receive and translate messages that are so needed, on time, powerful, and transformative. I always leave feeling motivated to continue on my journey to becoming the most healed version of myself. Her skillful and compassionate approach is truly life-changing.”

  • Clara A. -

    "Rose was so kind, welcoming, and understanding. I had never done Reiki before and I felt really heard and seen. I enjoyed our discussion before and after the session. I deal with anxiety and ADHD and felt like this session really calmed me and allowed me to release my held emotions. Rose was gentle both physically and emotionally and I could tell she was really listening to me and wanted to understand my experience. It was absolutely incredible."

  • Humberto G. -

    "I booked my Reiki session with Rose, while in the midst of a very stressful time in my life, both into career and in my personal life. Through the guided meditation and breath work, along with the crystal work that she does, Rose helped me to decompress and completely release the pressure that I was feeling. Energy work is truly a blessing!​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    I immediately noticed a balance and also began to experience a high level of abundance in the days that followed. She did an amazing job and was super professional. I would recommend anyone to seek healing with Rose. She is inspirational and amazing!"

  • KD E. -

    "I received reiki from Rose, and she made me feel so safe and comfortable the whole time. She took the time to listen to my intentions for the session and talked them through with me to get a better understanding of how I’ve been feeling lately. At the end of the session, Rose explained what she picked up on and channeled while she worked on me. Everything she said just clicked and resonated with me so much! I left with so much clarity and excitement. Rose is so special."

  • Selena D. -

    "I met Rose one day randomly at a pop up where she was selling her beautiful handmade jewelry. I purchased from her and continued to, as I love her pieces. She then started offering Reiki sessions which I was very excited about and I have been going for some months now. Having monthly healing sessions with her has helped me so much on my healing journey. Every time I leave, I feel like my energy has been reset and improved. She’s one of the sweetest and kindest souls I know."

  • Chelsea J. -

    “I’ve had several reiki sessions with Rose. She is amazing, very kind and easy to talk to. I have noticed many improvements. I am more energetic, no longer feel fatigued, open to communicate more and have hardly any social anxiety. I feel completely balanced, grounded and grateful to have found her!”

  • Jacylyn S. -

    "SUCH A POWERFUL EXPERIENCE! Rose is amazing and she is helping me with my physical and emotional traumas on a spiritual level. I would definitely recommend for any and all open and interested in Reiki. She has great tools she incorporates which adds to the experience even more."

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